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Shelley Newman

Folks... you need to be more intelligent about this. We should be looking at a preview of coming attractions...even if you don't have the whole 2013 - 2014 set, give us some ideas as to what to expect... energize your base by giving us a peek. Don't just send out an email about subscription ordering dates without giving us some of your offerings next year. I find myself frustrated by your "subscription" tease and since I don't know where I will be on April 18, I may forget about it. If I knew there was something I ABSOLUTLY had to see, then I would be more mindful. Shelley Newman

Jack Wright

Yours is a reasonable point. However, we have tried it both ways (announcement before on sale vs. announcement at start of sale) and the response was evenly split.

That said, we have already announced a major commission of Handel's opera, Acis and Galatea, by choreographer Mark Morris and the Mark Morris Dance Group with the Nadel and Haydn Society Orchestra (May 15-18, 2014)

Here is the page:

We will be announcing more events prior to April 18. Stay tuned!

amy selwyn

I agree with Shelley. This is pretty much useless if you're interested in seeing who is coming.

Jack Wright

You are correct, this does not tell you what we are presenting. It is intended as a save the date reminder as to when we announce and go on sale. We get a lot of requests for our subscription on sale date, this is meant to address those requests.

In any case, the entire season is live on our web site now: http://www.celebrityseries.org

Complete calendar is here:

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